The unofficial advising transcript is intended for advising purposes at the University of Virginia, and will contain more detailed information than the official transcript. If a student has received transfer credits, AP scores, and test credit, these will be reflected in the upper left corner on the unofficial advising transcript in a detailed list.

The official transcript will not provide a detailed list of transfer/test credits information. It will only indicate where the credits transferred from, type of transfer credit, and the total number of credit hours that transferred.

Current and Former Students (with NetBadge)

  1. Log in to the SIS Portal
  2. Click on "Academics" from side menu
  3. Click on "Unofficial Transcript"
  4. Choose "Advising Transcript" as Transcript Type from dropdown option
  5. Then select the career from the "Career" dropdown option
  6. Click "View PDF" button on top right corner

Trouble viewing your unofficial transcript?

You must allow pop-up windows. Your unofficial transcript will be presented as a PDF document.

Screenshot of SIS Portal

Former Students (without NetBadge)

If you are a former student post 1985, please go to "" to retrieve your NetBadge information.